Friday, March 4, 2011

Time For Renewal

It's the first of March and we're starting to get little hints that Spring is on its way. The days are filled with more sunshine and daylight is hanging around a little longer. Here in Michigan we have even had a couple of 50 degree days. Since Spring is the time of renewal, it was time for me to take stock of myself and what renewal processes I needed. The long, hard winter had lulled me into some really bad habits.

My renewal process is starting with losing some weight I gained over the winter...not a lot, but just enough to make my clothes uncomfortable. I had turned into a baking fiend! It seems being inside all winter brought out the Betty Crocker in me. I took out my Kitchen-Aid mixer from the corner in the kitchen where it was gathering dust and began making cookies and pound cake from scratch. With its high butter and sugar content, it's not called pound cake for nothing!

The second step in my renewal process is to work on my skin! Being indoors so much with the furnace running 24/7, has played havoc with my skin. It is sooooo dry!  Now I feel like a butterfly struggling to come out of its cocoon. The skin that I get so many compliments on is under there somewhere, I just have to step up my beauty regime to get to it. One of the beauty products that I have begun to use is Serious Skin Care's Vitamin C cleanser.

The third and final step in my renewing process is to renew my mind. It's a know fact that depression sets in for many people during the winter months. Now don't get it twisted, I'm not depressed in the clinical sense, but  I know that renewing my mind helps to renew the rest of me. Positive affirmations, spending time in the Word and being with positive people all help to renew the person. Hmm, this step may need to be first :). Anyway, one thing's for sure, when Spring does finally roll in, I want to be able to say, once again, Hello New You!

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