Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hello New You

   A couple of years ago I started having gout attacks. At the time I wasn't even sure what gout was. I can remember as a kid hearing somebody say their grandmother was down with the gout. I was young and I thought it was just some old-folks disease, so I didn't worry about it. Later I'd  learn that gout is a form of arthritis. It's basically the body's inability to rid itself of uric acid. Either your body makes too much or your body can't rid itself of what it produces. The uric acid builds up and forms microscopic crystals which cause unbearable pain.

   Fast forward to the year 2009. I am having yet another painful gout attack and I'm on my way to the doctor. Now my doctor's office is in a building that has these black reflective panels. As I'm walking towards the building, I see this old lady limping with a cane. I'm like, "Wow, that lady looks familiar". Imagine my horror, shock, and surprise when I realize that's no old lady, that's me!

I went in the building, saw my doctor and got the same old same old. Basically there was not a whole lot they could do. She could write me a stronger  prescription for Vicodin and I would have to just wait out the attack. It was then and there I decided to take back my health! I said "no thank you" to the drugs, went home and began to change my life! I started to research natural cures for gout and started to alkalize my body with Earth Greens, drink cherry juice, and take supplements. I also began to diet and exercise. With the help of Weight Watchers, over the next few months I lost 40 pounds.

   Now fast forward again to the year 2010 and I walk past a mirror, catching a glimpse of myself. Once again I didn't recognize my reflection as being me. I went back to the mirror, looked myself in the eyes and said "hello Carla". I cannot tell you the joy I felt in that moment! I was literally made over, new health and new body. From that point on, I have a burning desire to help other people find new health and new wealth.  You've heard it before, but I'll say it again, if I can do it, you can do it too! There's a new you waiting to be born, a Hello New You!

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